Partial Repertoire
Adam and Eve
Ain't No Bugs on Me
All We Need is a Feel Good Tune
Ants Go Marching one by one
Apples and Bananas
Arkansas Traveller
Babies Like to Bounce
Baby Beluga
Bill Grogan's Goat
Blue Tailed Fly
Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Charlie and the MTA
Cockles and Mussels
Crocodile Song
Did You Ever See a Lassie
Drunken Sailor
Farmer in the Dell
Feed The Birds
Five Little Ducks
Flea Fly
Go Outside and Play
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Going to the Zoo
Golden Vanity
Grand Old Duke of York
Happy Wanderer
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Henry the Eighth
Hi Ro Jerome
Home on the Range
Hop Along Peter
How Much is that Doggie?
Hush Little Baby
I know an Old Lady who swallowed a fly
If I Had A Hammer
If You Wanna
If You're Happy and you Know It
Incy Wincy Spider
I've Been Workin on the Railroad
Jamaica Farewell
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Left Shoe
Little Cabin in the Woods
Little Sir Echo
Little White Duck
London Bridge is Falling Down
Marvellous Little Toy
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary Wore Her Red Dress
Michael Row the Boat Ashore
My Grandfather's Clock
My Hat
Oh Susannah
Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone
Old Dan Tucker
Old Folks at Home
Old Grey Mare
Old Joe Clark
Old MacDonald
On Top of Spaghetti
Puff the Magic Dragon
Riding in the Buggy Miss Mary Jane
Rise and Shine
Rock a Bye Baby
Roll Over
Say Your Pleases
Scraping up Sand
Shake My Silies Out
She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountain
Shortnin' Bread
Sipping Cider Through a Straw
Skip To My Lou
Sleeping Bunnies
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Step in Time
Strangest Dream
The Keeper
The Garden Song
There Came a Girl From France
There's a Hole in my Bucket
This Little Light Of Mine
This Old Man
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Where Have All the Flowers Gone
Where Oh Where is Pretty Little Susie?
White Coral Bells
Widdecombe Fair
Working on the Railroad
Yankee Doodle
Monster Meeting
Great Ghoul Patter Song
Hiding Music
Mouse In the House
Who's That? (Over In the Mirror)
Storm Music
Mr. Meaner
I Leave It Up to You
Booga's Triumph